Branding / Print Design / Motion Graphics / UI/UX
The more attention someone or something commands, the higher the profits. In the United States, Apple iPhones are in over 113 million pockets. Lucky for us, Apple is a socially conscious, forward thinking company. Fundamentally, they believe that the information on our phones is private. Is the public aware of their efforts to keep us safe?
Visual Systems 2
Hunter Wimmer
Apple Privacy CSR
Spring 2022
The goal for this project was to create a system that could communicate the importance of privacy, while also elevating the experience of an iPhone to the target audience. This project aimed to be transparent about the use of your data, as well as layout parameters set in place to protect our data from predatory companies or scams.
In 2017, Apple’s target audience consisted of 64% men / 36% women, with a significant focus on users at ages 25 - 44. The messaging and imagery was to be clear and concise to communicate the many moving parts of user privacy. After careful consideration, I found that the best way was to use an abstract approach. By using basic shapes and colors, alongside strong copy, the messaging becomes simpler.